Thursday, July 12, 2018

Data Science Projects in Insurance Industry

Insurance industry has been using quantitative research for a very long time.  Actuaries have been using statistical modelling to price insurance products and quantify risk for decades. But with advances in the data sciences, insurance industry is getting further disruptive. Here you will learn what are the projects that you can do in the insurance industry using data science

1- Consumer Targeting

2- Risk based pricing

3- Better claim management

4- Customer retention

5- Fraud Detection

6- Automate Under writing

7- Cyber Crime

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

10 Data Science Projects in the Retail Industry

In this video you will learn about 10 data science projects that you can do in the retail industry. Retail industry is leveraging Big Data analytics to serve customer better. Here are the list of projects

1- Repeat Purchase  - Predicting chances of repurchase

2- Cross Sell - Selling an additional products to an existing customer

3- Personalized Recommendation -

4- Pricing  products

5- Loyalty analysis

6-Campaign Analysis

7- Market Basket Analysis

8- A/B testing

9-CTR rate prediction

10-Segmentation Analysis

You can get data sets for such projects on Kaggle, Data.Gov and UCI ML data repository